- 1 Members
- 2 Properties
- 3 Roles
The administration tab 'Groups' displays a detailed view of all groups within a tenant. The group management can be administered in this tab. For user import or export, use the tab User Import/Export.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
1 | Groups(s) selected | The select box allows the picking of multiple groups on one page for batch processing. |
2 | Add user(s) on selected groups | Once at least one group on the displayed page is selected, a plus icon appears on the right side above the group table. Upon using the button, a pop-up will appear which lets the administrator select users to the selected group(s) should be assigned to. After saving the selection, a pop-up will confirm the saving. |
3 | Delete selected groups | Groups can be deleted, therefore be removed from the group's tab. Confirmation is required after clicking the 'Yes' button in the pop-up. Delted groups can not be reactivated via the frontend. Use this feature with caution. |
4 | Create group | Using the plus symbol below the group list, new groups can be created. The group name is mandatory. After saving, the group will be displayed in the group list, and members can be added. |
Reference | Attribute | Description |
5 | Groups selected | Once a group is selected by clicking on it, the configuration menu of the selected group opens. |
6 | Members | The assignment of members can be managed by simply drag & dropping the desired users for assigning as well as designing, or by selecting multiple users with the right mouse button and holding the shift key at the same time and then using the navigation buttons in the middle. The fast forward/backward buttons will allow the administrator to assign or reassign all available users/members of the selected group at once. Changes in the assignment of users to groups take effect immediately. |
The tab 'Properties' in the detailed view displays the core values of the group such as the name, the optional email address and creation user, and time.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
7 | Group name | The name of the group is a mandatory field and can be altered here. |
8 | Protected group | Protected groups cannot be administrated by actionhandlers. |
9 | Delete | Clicking the 'Delete' button will remove the group from the system. Once deleted, a group can not be restored. |
10 | Save | Changes to the groups' profile in the properties tab will take effect once the 'Save' button was clicked. |
Within the administration panel, it is possible to create roles. More information about creating roles can be found in the paragraph Roles. The role of 'team-manager' is a special role. With this role, it is possible to declare one or more users as the 'team leader' of a group. Team leaders are allowed to assign tasks to other members of the group. Assignments can only be made to members in the same group.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
11 | Users | This table displays all assigned users to the group that is therefore available to be assigned a specific role. Once a user is selected, the available roles that can be assigned are shown. |
12 | Available Roles / Assigned Roles | With the forward and backward button, the assigning or unassigning of a selected role can be performed. |
13 | Save | Changes will take effect when the 'Save' button is clicked. |
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