- 1.1 Active Users
- 1.2 Inactive Users
- 2 User creation
- 2.1 Basic Info
- 2.2 Additional Info
- 3 User Profile
- 3.1 Detailed View
- 3.2 Basic Info
- 3.2.1 Clone User
- 3.3 Additional Info
- 3.4 Password
- 3.5 Absence / Absence Rules
- 3.5.1 Absence
- 3.5.2 General representative
- 3.5.3 Absence rules
- 3.5.4 Absence timer
The administration of users are divided into two categories, active and inactive users. displays the detailed view of all users. Depending on the user's status, they will be displayed in the respective areas. User management can be administered in these two sections. For user import or export use the tab
User Import/Export.
Active Users
Active users, are licensed users who can log into to the system and can work based on the permissions assigned to them.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
1 | User(s) selected | The select box allows the picking of multiple users on one page for batch processing. |
2 | Add user(s) to selected groups | Once at least one user on the displayed page is selected a plus icon appears on the right side above the user table. Upon using the button a popup will appear which lets the administrator select groups the selected user(s) should be assigned to. After saving the selection a popup will confirm the saving. |
3 | Deaktive user(s) | Users can be deactivated. These are displayed in the "inactive users" area and do not require a license. Only after confirming the deactivation in a pop-up window, the users are switched to inactive. More information about inactive users is provided in the following chapter. |
3 | Delete user(s) | The delete icon can be used to permanently remove users from the system. Confirmation is required after clicking the 'Delete user(s)' button via a popup. Information about deleted users will be removed from the database and cannot be shown in the assignment history, instance report, and in other locations. The user cannot be reactivated again. |
Inactive Users
Users who are inactive cannot access the system and do not require a license. Information about inactive users is retained and displayed in the assignment history, operation report, and other places. Users' information is not deleted from the database and can be reactivated.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
1 | User(s) selected | The select box allows the picking of multiple users on one page for batch processing. |
2 | Reactivate user(s) | After confirmation in the pop-up window, the selected users are again active and licensed. They are allowed to log into the system and work in it depending on their permissions. These users are listed in the "Active users" area. |
3 | Delete user(s) | The delete icon can be used to permanently remove users from the system. Confirmation is required after clicking the 'Delete user(s)' button via a popup. Information about deleted users will be removed from the database and cannot be shown in the assignment history, instance report, and in other locations. The user cannot be reactivated again. |
User creation
This paragraph explains the creation of single users to the system. The user creation requires a username and email and allows the administrator to set groups and roles as well as additional information. For automated users and group integration using the LDAP, module refers to the timer CreateUsersFromLdapGroup.
Basic Info
Reference | Attribute | Description |
1 | Create User | The plus button in the lower left of the users view allows for the creation of single users. |
2 | Username | The username is required for the creation of a new user to the system. It is the name the user will use to log into the system. |
3 | Assigning a email to the user account is essential and should be unique throughout the system. This is used for identification purposes and notifications by the system for example new task assignments to the user. | |
4 | Groups | The assignment for groups can be managed by simply drag & drop the desired groups for assigning as well as designing or by selecting multiple groups with the right mouse button and holding the shift key at the same time and then using the navigation buttons in the middle. The fast forward/backward buttons will allow the administrator to assign or reassign all available groups at once. |
Reference | Attribute | Description |
5 | Roles | The assignment of roles works the same as the assignment of groups. |
6 | Create another user | If selected the select box will open a new creation user view once the active user profile is saved. |
7 | Reset | The reset button will clear the user profile and all its settings to be able to restart a new and fresh with the user creation. |
8 | Save | Once finished with the user profile settings clicking on the save button will prompt a success popup and add the user to the system. The user can now be accessed via the user tab in the admin panel. |
Additional Info
During the user creation process, the additional info tab in the user profile will over more detailed information about the users' contacts, the organization, supervisor, cost center and notifications as well as explicit user management options as described below.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
9 | Ignore LDAP authentication | With 'Ignore LDAP authentication' checkbox activated the user can log in with this account password stored in the system rather than using his LDAP login authentication. |
10 | Blocked | With the 'Blocked' checkbox active login to the system is not possible. |
User Profile
By double-clicking in the user table on a specific user the associated user profile will open and display four tabs for managing the account similar to the user creation profile. This gives the administration user the opportunity to access in addition to the 'Basic info' and 'Additional info' tab also the 'Password' and 'Absence / Absence' Rules tab.
Detailed View
The detailed view of a user profile offers the user information in on location.
Basic Info
Reference | Attribute | Description |
1 | Groups | The assignment for groups can be managed by simply drag & drop the desired groups for assigning as well as designing or by selecting multiple groups with the right mouse button and holding the shift key at the same time and then using the navigation buttons in the middle. |
2 | Selection buttons | The forward button will be assigned selected groups from the available groups pool to the assigned group's pool. The backward button will remove selected groups from the user. The fast forward/backward buttons will allow the administrator to assign or reassign all available groups at once. All changes will take effect upon saving and are then associated with the user. |
Reference | Attribute | Description |
3 | Roles | The assignment for groups can be managed by simply drag & drop the desired groups for assigning as well as designing or by selecting multiple groups with the right mouse button and holding the shift key at the same time and then using the navigation buttons in the middle. |
4 | Selection buttons | The forward button will be assigned selected roles from the available roles pool to the assigned roles pool. The backward button will remove selected roles from the user. The fast forward/backward buttons will allow the administrator to assign or reassign all available roles at once. All changes will take effect upon saving and are then associated with the user. |
5 | Clone user | Clicking this button will open a popup. A new username and |
6 | Delete | The 'Delete' Button will remove the user from the user view. The user will not be able to log into the system once delete. This process can not be reverted and is to be used with caution. |
7 | Update profile | After clicking the 'Update profile' button all change made to the user profile will take effect. |
Clone User
Reference | Attribute | Description |
8 | Clone User | Clones the open user profile. A popup will appear with a user prompt. |
9 | Username | It is mandatory to forgive a username for the new user account. |
10 | Ok | Clicking will create a new user account with the user profile settings of the cloned user profile but without an set email address. |
Additional Info
Reference | Attribute | Description |
11 | Notify only if previous task was not done by me | If selected the user will receive a notification should the previous task not be done by him. |
12 | Ignore LDAP authentication | With 'Ignore LDAP authentication' checkbox activated the user can login with this account password stored in the system rather then using his LDAP login authentication. |
13 | Notify assignee if his task is done by somebody else | If selected the user will receive a notification should the task assigned to the user have been done by a different user. |
14 | Blocked | With the 'Blocked' checkbox active a login to the system is not possible. |
Reference | Attribute | Description |
15 | Change password | Once the mandatory fields have been filed clicking the 'Change password' save the made changes and the user can log in to the system with the new password. |
Absence / Absence Rules
This paragraph will allow the user with the administration role to set an absence, an general representative and absence rules for specific process definitions.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
16 | Absence | If a user is not able to do his/her assigned tasks due to being absent from the company, this should be documented in the system. Please refer to rules concerning absence in a user profile for further information. New task mails will be generated by activating the option for transferring tasks to a designated substitute! |
17 | General representative | General designated representative responsible for all tasks assigned to the user. This is valid for all processes. |
18 | Absence rules | Absence rules can be set for specific processes and representatives that will be responsible for all tasks assigned to the user during his absence only related to the set process. |
By clicking on the button 'New absence' a mask under Absence will open up with mandatory fields to be set.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
19 | Absent from | The date the absence of the user starts. By clicking in the open field on the right side of the description a calendar will open up from which the starting date of the absence can be chosen. |
20 | Return on | The date the absence ends and the user returns to the company. By clicking in the open field on the right side of the description a calendar will open up from which the end date of the absence can be chosen. |
21 | Handover existing tasks | The selection box once activated will hand over existing tasks. |
22 | Save | By clicking on the 'Save' button the absence is set to the system. Once saved the absence can be edited or deleted if so desired. |
General representative
The General representative is a substitute who gets the new tasks of all processes during an absence of the user which otherwise would have been assigned to the user itself.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
23 | General representative | Via a drop down all possible representatives are listed. One can be selected as representative for all processes. |
Reference | Attribute | Description |
24 | Infobox | As described in the infobox specific absence rules for specific processes are possible in addition to a general representative. The general representative is then only set for tasks of processes that are not described in the absence rules. |
25 | Representative | Once selected the general representative will be displayed. |
26 | Save | In order to activate the general representative during an absence the changes need to be saved. |
Absence rules
By clicking on the 'New absence rule' button a mask under the absence rule will appear. Here specific rules for absences can be set.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
27 | Process | With a drop-down list of available processes, one can be selected for a specific absence rule |
28 | Representative | Via a drop-down list, a specific representative can be chosen for the selected process definition. |
29 | Save | With saving the absence rule the changes to the user profile come active and will hand over set rules once the set absence parameters are met. |
Absence timer
In order to pass the tasks, the timer HandleActualAbsence must be created in the Admin Client. It ensures that all tasks will be passed according to the previously established rules. The timer configuration can be found here: HandleActualAbsence
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