Mail Queue
The paragraph describes the core features of the mail queue. While the system does not use an integrated mail server the mails created within the system can be managed in the 'Mailqueue'. It offers the option to delete, block and resend single or batch processed mails as well as edit single mails with recipients as well as CC and BCC recipients. Details on how to configure a mail server to be used by the system will be addressed in the paragraph Tenant.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
1 | Select-box | Select-box for single or batch processing of mails per page. |
2 | Configure temporary filters | Filter options open up for searching for specific process instances, recipients, subjects, cc, bcc, error message. |
3 | Refresh | The refresh button will reload the page and display new mails that might have entered the queue after the last refresh or reload of the page. |
4 | Sent all unsent mails | Mails that have not been send can be sent by clicking the 'Sent all unsent mails' button. |
5 | Sent all failed mails | Mails that have been failed to sent can be send by clicking the 'Sent all failed mails' button. |
6 | Delete all failed mails | Clicking the 'Delete all failed mails' button will remove all failed mails from the mail queue. Once removed mails from the mail queue can not be retrieved from the front-end. |
7 | Delete all blocked mails | Clicking the 'Delete all blocked mails' button will remove all blocked mails from the mail queue. Once removed mails from the mail queue can not be retrieved from the front-end. Deletion must be confirmed via pop-up. |
8 | Delete all sent mails mails older than | Clicking the 'Delete all sent mails older than' will open a pop-up. The day(s) mails should be older than can be defined. With clicking the 'Ok' button all mails older than the set day will be removed from the mail queue. Once removed mails from the mail queue can not be retrieved from the front-end. |
9 | Configure columns | The 'Configure columns' button will open a pop-up with selection option which columns should be displayed in the mail queue. Each selected Check-box will display the column without the need to safe. Unnecessary selections can be removed and will not be shown in the mail queue. |
Reference | Attribute | Description |
10 | Process instance | This column displays the process instance context in which the mail was sent. |
11 | Recipient | This column displays the recipient of the mails. This can be a user, a group or left blank if a group was not assigned an mail-address. |
12 | Subject | This column displays the subject of the mails. |
13 | CC | This column displays the carbon copy of the mails recipients, users that are not directly addressed but informed by the sender. |
14 | BCC | This column displays the blind carbon copy of the recipients of the mails, users that are not directly addressed but informed by the sender without recipient and cc knowing. |
15 | Creation time | This column displays the creation time of each mail in the queue. |
16 | Sent at | This column displays the time when each mail in the queue was sent. |
17 | Sent by | This column displays the user who initiated the sending of a particular mail. |
18 | Attachments | Attachments to a mail will be indicated by a highlighted paper clip. |
19 | Blocked at | This column displays a timestamp for blocked mails. |
20 | Blocked by | This column displays the user that blocked a particular mail. |
21 | Resends | This column displays the number of resends a particular mail has gone through. |
22 | Error message | This column displays the error message in the event an mail could not be send. |
23 | Content | This column displays the content of a mail. Task mails include a description of its intention and a link referring to the task it is associated with. |
24 | Delete | The 'Delete' button will remove the mail from the mail queue. |
25 | Send | The 'Send' button will send a mail to the recipient and cc as well as bcc if these addressee are named. |
26 | Block | The 'Block' button will prevent the mail from being send. Once a mail is blocked the button will be displayed as '(Un-)block' in order to revert the blocking. |
27 | Save | All changes to a mail will take effect once the 'Save' button is clicked. |
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