Administration Tab

Administration Tab

After logging into the system, the user can click on the gearwheel in the navigation bar on the left side to access the administration panel. The user has direct access to a number of tabs that allow the following configuration and administration of the system:

A general overview of the administration panel. The tabs are ordered alphabetically. The detailed views functionality is similar to any other detailed view with filter, reload, and columns display configuration in the top right, paging in the center frame and a plus button to add, in this case, new users.









The gearwheel opens the administration panel, with an overview on the left and a detailed view of one of the admin tabs on the right. Per default, this would be the 'Users' tab.


Administration Panel

The administration panel offers various configuration options to set up and maintains the system. Core features such as user and group management, mail server connection, resources, and timers can be accessed via the administration panel and the subordinate tabs.


Detailed View

The detailed view offers a comprehensive overview of the selected administration tab and is the working area for administration, maintenance, and configuration of the system.