This paragraph describes translations within the system. When a user switches his client to English, he gets the process with the en-EN information. If a translation is not made, the default language is used as a fallback. Which languages a user has set can be taken from the user profile.
Reference | Attribute | Description |
1 | Translations | Elements from system that can be associated with a translation. |
2 | Default language | The fallback language has a preset translation that can be adapted to the needs of the tenant. |
3 | Language to be translated | Via a dropdown language can be selected. The translation elements are aligned with the default language and can be edited by clicking into the text field. |
4 | Export for product change | If a translation should be implemented into the system an export file can be created. It will be saved in the resource folder under i18n > complete export |
5 | Save | Changes to the translations will take effect after clicking the 'Save' button. |
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