


The paragraph describes the core administration of the tenant of a system.

General Settings, Tenant and Tasks mail notification

1 General

Displays the name of the tenant.

2 Tenant

Displays the options to configure the tenant.





Default language

Select a default language for the tenant via a dropdown. The list will display all supported languages to choose from. This selection will affect all users within this tenant. Users can override this selection for their own accounts within the user profile.

Support e-mail address

Changes the display of the support e-mail address in the support information area on the bottom left side of all users.

Portal Headline

Headline of the tenant which is displayed in the upper center of the system visible to all users.

Delegation allowed for

Here it is possible to determine for which Context Roles delegation (transfer of task to third parties) is allowed. If a process manager is selected, users with the role of process manager can delegate for example tasks to the users´ assigned group of co-workers.

Group tasks are not part of the list ´My tasks´

If selected tasks tab will only display ´my tasks´ and no tasks of my group.


3 Task Mails

Displays the options to set task mail behavior on the whole tenant.





Send e-mails if the new task was assigned

The users will receive e-mail notifications if they are assigned a new task.

Notify the user only if the previous task was not done by him

The users will receive e-mail notifications if a task was not done by them.

Notify the user if his task was done by somebody else

The users will receive e-mail notifications if their task is done by somebody else.

Notify by group mail

If a group has an e-mail address set, the group task mail will be sent to this address.

Application host

The host name of the server on which the system was installed is displayed.

Application port

The port of the server on which the system was installed in entered.


This field should only be adapted, if necessary, by an employee of the system.

Target tab for task selection and deep links

The users can state which view should be opened when a user has clicked on the link in a task mail. This setting applies to all users who were recently compiled.


LDAP and Mailserver



The configuration of the LDAP interface to the system can be set up. A detailed description on the LDAP module and the configuration can be found here (coming soon).






An authentication interface is specified. If this field is empty, the TIM-databank is used automatically. In order to establish an LDAP-Authentication, the parameter ´LDAP´ has to be entered.

LDAP host

If an LDAP interface is used, the hostname (IP address) of the LDAP server has to be entered here.

LDAP port

If an LDAP interface is desired, the port of the LDAP server has to be entered here (Standard is:389).

Factory initial

The parameter entered here is needed for the initialization of the LDAP interface and must match the following:

Authentication type

The kind of data encryption during the transmission of the LDAP interface has to be entered. The field can contain the parameters “simple“ or “digest-md5“.

DNS prefix

A DNS prefix for the network can be specified, if it is used in the network. In most cases, this parameter can stay empty.

DNS suffix

If a DNS server exists in the network, the DNS suffix has to be entered here. There parameter entered here is supplied by the network´s IT.

LDAP test user (will not be stored)

User for testing LDAP connection.

LDAP test password (will not be stored)

Password of the user that is been used to test the LDAP connection.

Test LDAP connection

By clicking on this button, the accuracy of the LDAP connectivity can be checked.


5 Mailserver

The configuration of the mail server interface to the system can be set up.





Default e-mail

The e-mail address that is displayed as the sender on the system notification mails is entered in this input field.

Notify on error

A group can be selected via drop-down menu that should be notified if an email fails or not be delivered in the system. The group needs to have an e-mail address assigned.

SMTP host

Here, the IP or host name of the mail server used has to be entered.

SMTP port

The port that the mail server follows is entered (standard port:25).


Activates the TLS encryption to the mail server, if desired or necessary.

Absence message to

Returned absence messages can be forwarded to a certain mail box (to be enetred here).

SMTP requires authentication

Activates the authentication to the mail server if necessary.

SMTP user

The user having the right to send e-mails via the mail server is entered.

SMTP password

Specifies the password of the according SMTP user.

Maximum attachment size in MB

The size of the attachments can be entered here.

Send test e-mail

By clicking on this button, the dispatching of TIM notification e-mails can be simulated in order to test their functionality. Further information is available from email testing (coming soon).


Miscellaneous and AWS Credentials


6 Miscellaneous

General settings to the tenant.





Maximum file size

Set the maximum file size in MB that can be processed with the system here. Applies for example to attachments or uploads.

Maximum user count

Number of users that can have access to the system. Defined by the license type applied to the system.

Maximum process count

Number of maximum process that can be deployed to the system.

Lists layout

Defining the layout how the system displays list.


7 AWS Credentials

Credentials for connectivity with Amazon Web Services.





S3 bucket name

Name of the to be addressed Amazon Simple Storage Service.

SQS queue URL

Amazon SQS queue URLs are require to send, receive, and delete queue messages.

Tenant ID

AWS account identifier.

Tenant secret

Secret relate to the AWS account.

AWS region

Region location of the Amazon Web Service.


8 Save

Upon clicking the 'Save' button all changes to the tenant will take effect.

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