


The ActionHandler ICalHandler allows an appointment, which has been created in form, to be sent to all participants.

In order to send an email automatically via this actionhandler from the mail queue, a mail server and the timer SendAllDelayedEmails must be set up in the Administration.






Default value


Valid examples


Default value


Valid examples



This parameter is used to set the name of the meeting. Process variables can also be used.




This parameter is used to set the description of the meeting. Process variables can also be used.




This parameter is used to set the location of the meeting. Process variables can also be used.




This parameter is used to set the start date of the meeting. This parameter allows choosing a range through date picker from the form.

If you select a range, the parameter end will become invalid, since the start and the end dates are both entered via the start parameter.

Process variables can also be used in this parameter. Format should be as follows if it will be given manually:

e.g. in the format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss ⇒ 13.02.2013 17:00:00 (see datePattern)




This parameter is used to set the end date of the meeting. Process variables can also be used.
e.g. in the format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss ⇒ 13.02.2013 19:00:00 (see datePattern)

  • if start is a date range (i.e. "2023-02-28T23:00:00Z","2023-03-01T23:00:00Z" then, end becomes invalid.




This parameter is used to set the organizer of the meeting. It may be derived from process variables. A group, a swimlane or a user can be set.

If the organizer comes from a process variable: ${organizer}
Process variable: organizerEmail –> mail address

If the organizer is given directly to the handler:
Format: email?name

Usage of selectUsersByGroupByClass is possible!

Only one user must be part of the organizer. If you set a group as organizer, it must be only one user within a group.




This parameter is used to set the participants of the meeting. Can come from a process variable.

If the participant comes from a process variable: ${attendant}

Or: ${attendant} -> mail addresses are separated by commas!

If the participant is given directly to the handler:
Format: mail addresses are separated by commas!

You can set a group, swimlane, user, combine them via comma: user(username),group(groupName),swimlane(swimlaneName)

Usage of selectUsersByGroupByClass is possible!




This parameter controls if the last day of the entry should be counted as an all-day event.





We have a simple process with only one task. We also have a Form with various process variables that we will use to configure this ActionHandler in our ICALTest4 task. The configuration details with the help of process variables coming from the Form are as follows:



The Form can be configured according to your needs. For example, the description of the meeting is set with the following limitations:

You can choose a range or a single date for the start parameter:

If you choose a range for the start parameter, then the parameter end is not needed, because the beginning and the end of the meeting are already existing.

If you choose a single date for the start parameter, then you must set the end parameter:


Now a new process instance can be started. The Form must be filled with all mandatory information (EventName, location, organizer, attendant, Start) and can be started via the ‘Start process instance’ button. You can add more users or groups to the attendant field, separated by commas.


The invitation email of the meeting will be added to the mail queue, which you can access under the administration tab. After clicking the ‘Send’ button, the meeting invitation will be sent to the participants. This is only necessary if emails are not automatically sent from the system.


All invited participants get an email with an ics-file, which contains all meeting information.

After opening the ics-file the meeting can be saved in the calendar.


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