The handler is given two variables, which it settles with the operator that is given to it.
It can also check if these variables appear more than once (var1[0], var2[0], var1[1], var2[1],…) and settles these, too.
The handler can be configured to check if the variables appear multiple times. If so, it can save the subtotals as variables or settle these with a second operator.
If no second operator was transferred, it settles the subtotals with the first operator.
The handler can be configured to round the result.
Parameter | Default value | Description | Valid examples |
| First variable for performing calculations. |
| Second variable for performing calculations. |
| If the index is passed the value “true”, the handler tries to find the two variables with the pattern “var[x]” (beginning with 0) and to settle these with one another. |
| First operator used for performing calculations. Possible options: +, -, *, /, mod, potenz |
| Second operator used for performing calculations. Possible options: +, -, *, /, mod, potenz |
| Name of the new variable, to which the results will be written. If subtotals should be saved, these are saved using the pattern result[x]. |
| If multiResult is given with the value “true”, subtotals will be saved as process variables. |
| Here a number can be given, which tells how many decimal places should be kept when rounding. If nothing is entered, the numbers will not be rounded. |
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