Mail Nodes
An email can be defined directly in your process model by using Mail Nodes, which are activity shapes from type 'Send'. Each email needs at least one recipient, a mail subject, and a mail body.
Process variables
In every mail node, process variables can be used to integrate information from the form into the mail. For this purpose, the following syntax must be used:
In context, the text of a mail node could look like this:
Mail to:
Mail subject:
Mail text:
The email has been sent from the process instance ${processInstanceName}.
Mail nodes can contain links to specific tasks or instances. For further information, please see Deep links.
HTML mails
The text must be masked in order to send HTML mails. For this purpose, the text must be in included in a CDATA block.
Mail attachments
Mail nodes can also be used to send documents that belong to the current process. For this purpose, the following parameter must be inserted into the mail text. The 'IDENTIFIER' is used to attach only needed documents and must be adapted according to the following descriptions. It is possible to use more than one identifier in one mail node.
The maximum size of attachments can also be specified in the client profile. If this is exceeded in a mail node, the documents are not attached to the email, but the mail body contains a link for downloading these attachments.
The first document added to the process will be attached to the email. This can also be restricted to the file format.
The latest document added to the process will be attached to the email. This can also be restricted to the file format.
All documents will be attached to the email. This can also be restricted to the file format.
please be aware that ATTACH_RESOURCE is not resolved within outbound mail list, but only by really sending the mail
A document from the resource folder can also be attached directly to the email.
If a file is located in a subdirectory of the resource folder, please include the path to the document.
All attached documents of a process instance with the file format specified in the Regular Expression will be attached to the email. To check the regex expression, use this link.
The first attached document of a process instance with the file format specified in the Regular Expression will be attached to the email.
The latest attached document of a process instance with the file format specified in the Regular Expression will be attached to the email.
Reply to mail to particular recipients
To ensure that the reply to an email goes to the correct recipient, you can specify who should receive the reply. This has also be entered into the mail text.
Reply to one recipient:
Reply to multiple recipients:
One or more email addresses, users, groups, or swimlanes, separated by comma or semicolon, can be assigned.
Reply to system user:
Reply to group:
Reply to swimlane:
Reply to mail address(es) in a variable:
A variable can contain more than one mail address, but these must be separated by a comma or semicolon.
CC Recipients
One or more email addresses, users, groups, or swimlanes, separated by comma or semicolon, can be assigned. This has to be added to the mail text.
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