This ActionHandler sets the supervisor of the selected users as the responsible person for a swimlane.
The supervisor must be set in the user profile in order for the ActionHandler to perform an assignment.
Parameter | Default value | Description | Valid examples |
| The name of the swimlane is entered here to which the responsible person is assigned. |
| The process variable is entered here. The content should be a user for which a supervisor is maintained. The following examples can be used:
Actionhandler is set on the node “Task2” with the event type ‘Node-enter’ as follows:
Parameter | Description | Valid examples |
| Swimlane2 is entered here. |
| Variable name |
The form contains an input field with the variable name users
At process instance start, or at the latest before the first task is completed, the form is filled in with the user's details (in this case, the user's e-mail address).
The task "Task 2" will be automatically assigned to John Doe's supervisor (maintained in his user profile) (here: Process Manager (pm)).
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