This ActionHandler transforms an Excel(.xlsx) document into one or more CSV documents, depending on the number of sheets in the Excel document. The Excel document has to be attached to the process instance and the generated files will also be attached to it. If the Excel document contains only one sheet, the generated document will inherit its name, otherwise, each CSV document will be named like the sheet it represents.
Parameter | Description | Valid examples |
| This parameter is used to set the name of the document, including the (.xlsx)-doctype. |
| Defines the path where the converted file is saved. If nothing is set here the file will be directly attached to the process. |
| This parameter is used to set a prefix, which will be merged with the beginning of the csv-document's name. Process-variables can also be used.
| This parameter is used to set a suffix, which will be merged with the end of the csv-document's name. Process-variables can also be used.
In the following, the ActionHandler is explained by using a simple process model, which includes one task. This task is called "exceltoCSV" and there the excel2CSVHandler is implemented as follows:
Parameter | Valid examples |
At process instance start, the Excel file ‘example.xlsx” is uploaded in the tab 'Documents’.
After upload of the file, the process can be started in the ‘Properties’ tab via the button ‘Start process instance’.
The ActionHandler is executed as soon as the task has been started. In the started process instances, both the original Excel file and the added csv files can be viewed in the "Documents" tab of the process.
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