This handler creates the process instance report and attaches it to the process instance. This allows it to be sent, for example, with the ATTACH-command in a mail node. Alternatively, the handler can save the report in the file system. The path for saving the report and the file name can be given as process variables instead of as parameters: reportPath
and reportFileName
If no parameters are set, the report will be distributed as a PDF with all parts in German.
Parameter | Default value | Description | Valid examples |
| This gives the format for the distributed report. The default value is PDF. If an Excel-file should be generated, xls should be entered here. |
| Possible languages are de, en, fr, nl, and es. (for German, English, French, Dutch, and Spanish, respectively) |
| If the activity listing should not be included in the report, then false must be entered here. |
| If the notes of the instance should not be included in the report, then false must be entered here. |
| If the process variables should not be included in the report, then false must be entered here. |
| If the process graphics should not be included in the report, then false must be entered here. |
| If set to true (or if no file path is provided), the report will be attached to the instance. |
| It is used to display the first and last name in the report. If it is set to false, the username is displayed. |
| Name of the report file. This also applies to the document attached to the instance. |
| Path to the location of the report. This should end with “/”. If no path and filename is specified, the report will always be attached to the process. The name is then the default name: system_report_instanceName_date_time_pireport.pdf |
⇒ the report is saved under: C:\Report with the name report.pdf and is not attached to the instancereportFileName
⇒ the report is saved under C:/Report with the name report.pdf and attached to the instanceno parameters
⇒ the report is named with the default name, e.g. tim_report_16_12_2015_08-07_pireport.pdf and it is attached to the instanceno parameters, but the variables
are present.
⇒ the report is only saved at the location specified in thereportPath
variable with the filename specified in thereportFileName
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