This ActionHandler creates a new user. The creation can be done with default password or with an activation link where the new user can set his new password.
Parameter | Default value | Description | Valid examples |
| n/a | Email address of the newly created user |
| Decision how the user should be created:
| Decide the user type. If true creates a Temporary Task User instead of a standard user. |
| Â | Name of the newly created user (if not set then name = email) |
| Which roles will be assigned to user (administrator roles cannot be assigned) |
| Â | To which groups should the user be added |
| How the ActionHandler handles exceptions (e.g. when email is already in use): 0 → the exception is shown to user and current action is rolled back 1 → the exception is written in the responseVariable and the current action is executed |
| User property ignoreLdapAuth can be set to true or false while creating |
| Â | User's first name |
| Â | User's last name |
| Â | User's phone number |
| Â | User's country |
| Â | User's company ID |
| Â | User's company name |
| Â | User's personnel number |
| Â | User's supervisor (name or ID) |
| Â | User's department |
| Â | User's cost center |
| Â | User's department chief (name or ID) |
| Â | User default representative (name or ID) |
| Â | This is the variable where the response is written out |
| Â | Specifies the type of user created. |
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