Workflow Design

Workflow Design


The workflow design tool empowers designers with an overview of all workflows within the current tenant, enabling quick status checks and edits, while also serving as a comprehensive platform for managing workflows and associated features.

Accessing Workflow Design (WD)

To access Workflow Design, click on the pen icon on the left menu and select Workflow Design. This component replaces the deprecated Workflow Repository.

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You have now entered the new Workflow Design. If you have no workflows on your tenant, you can create a new workflow by pressing the New workflow button on the right top or the Browse files button on the bottom which has the same functionality.

Workflow overview

The Workflow overview comprises two tabs: Active workflows1 and Archived workflows2 alongside the + New Workflow3 button.

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New workflow

The + New workflow button empowers designers to import either new workflows or existing workflows with modifications directly from the modeller.

Clicking on Browse files or New workflow opens an OS file selection window, enabling the import of workflows as zip files, each containing at least one BPMN file and one SVG file.

When importing identical workflows, only the workflow version will be updated. This means that any imported workflows with identical content will not result in changes to the workflow itself, but will instead increment the version number.

Active workflows

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The Active workflows section displays a list of both startable workflows and drafted ones.

Table columns

Column name


Column name



Shows the name of the workflow.


Describes the workflow, which can be modified in the workflow properties.


Indicates whether a workflow is STARTABle or Not Startable. A workflow is considered startable if there exists a published version and not startable if no published version is available.

Last Modified

Displays the time of the last modification.

The workflow name and last modification columns are sortable. By default, the table is sorted descending by last modification.

Action Buttons

Button name


Button name


Play Button

Clicking this button redirects the user to the process instance start page.

Triple Dot Button

Opens a context menu with the following options:

  • Export: This option allows users to export the latest workflow version.
    If the workflow includes a form, the form and the process can be exported separately. Upon clicking Export, a dialogue box appears, providing the user with options for what to export. Preview: Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 16.00.53.png

  • Archive: This option archives the workflow. Archived workflows are not shown in the active workflows.

  • Version History: This option navigates the user to the Version History tab, which is specific to the workflow.

  • Copy Webform Link: This option is available if the external web form feature is enabled. It allows the user to copy the link to the web form.

Archive workflows

The Archived workflows section displays all archived workflows. These workflows are inoperable and need to be restored to continue working on them.

Table columns

Column name


Column name



Shows the name of the workflow.


Describes the workflow, which can be modified in the workflow properties.


Displays the time of archiving.

Action Buttons

Button name


Button name


Triple Dot Button

Opens a context menu with the following options:

  • Export: This option allows users to export the latest workflow version. If the workflow includes a form, the form and the process can be exported separately. Upon clicking Export, a dialogue box appears, providing the user with options for what to export.

  • Unarchive: This option unarchives the workflow and moves the workflow from the list of archived workflows to active workflows.

Workflow details

Clicking an active or archived workflow on the list opens the workflow details. The workflow details consist of the main navigation and the content area.

Main navigation

The main navigation of Workflow Design provides the following options to the designer:

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Version Select

Allows the designer to quickly switch between the workflow version. Additionally contains the status of the version.
Click here to learn more.



Allows the designer to import process models (BPMN, SVG or as ZIP) forms (JSON or as part of ZIP).



Allows to export the workflow as ZIP.


Publish/Copy button

Depending on the status of the workflow the button switches between the options.

  1. Publish when the workflow has the status Unpublished

  2. Copy when the workflow has the status Last published or Published.

Content area

The content of the Workflow details consists of three tabs:

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Process Model

Where the designer can edit the process model.



Where the form associated with the workflow can be edited.


Version History

Where the history of the workflow versions can be viewed.

For active workflows, the details are shown and the designer can edit the process model and form. For archived workflows, these options are not available as archived workflows are read-only.

Clicking Workflow design in the breadcrumb returns the designer to the Workflow overview.

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