Version history

Version history

Version overview

Shows all available versions of the given workflow in a table.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 16.46.12.png

Table columns

Column name


Column name



Shows the version number and the status of the version.


Displays the time of creation.

Last Modified

Displays the time of the last modification.

Action Buttons

Button name


Button name



Is a version-dependent dynamic switch button with the following options:

  • Copy: Duplicates the selected version as the current version.

  • Publish: Publish the selected version.

  • Import: Allows to import a workflow, process model or form.


Allows for export of the workflow.

Version statuses

Workflow versions can have 4 distinguished statuses. Each status reflects the state and the available options for the individual version:






The workflow is in a work-in-progress state.


The workflow was published but there is also a newer published version available.

Last Published

The workflow is published and the current version. This workflow is startable.


The workflow was in a work-in-progress state but a newer version was published.

Version details

The version details can be accessed by clicking on a version. This will open a side panel on the right-hand side.


It displays the following details for the selected version:

  1. A text area to set the comment for the currently selected version which can be used to describe it. This will make it easier to distinguish differences between individual versions.

  2. A preview of the process model linked to the currently selected version. To allow a more detailed view a Preview button is available which opens the process model in a popup window with the available controls.

  3. A preview of the form that is linked to the currently selected version. To allow a more detailed view and check the applied form rules a Preview button is available which opens the form in a popup window with the available controls.

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