
The config.json is an internal configuration file in the product, an example file can be seen at the end of this page and modified at will. To update the config.json, a user needs to upload it to the resource folder (Administration > Resources) of either the tenant or in general to the whole application via the super/admin. Only the changed and updated features to the resource folder will be overwritten in the product according to the new configuration.

→ If the document is uploaded to a super/admin, the changed config.json will be applied to all tenants of the environment.
→ If the document is uploaded only to a specific tenant, the changed config.json will only be applied to that tenant and will not affect the other tenants or the super/admin environment.

→ If the document is uploaded to both super/admin and a tenant, the tenant version of the document is considered.

For example, the config.json file uploaded to the super/admin has the showHome property set to false and the config.json file uploaded to one tenant under this super/admin has showHome property set to true. In this case, the home icon will be shown for that specific tenant, and it won’t be shown for the super/admin and other tenants under this super/admin.

  • Some properties might only take effect or make sense when the config.json is uploaded via the super/admin, like:

    • loginPage > tenants

    • loginPage > additionalHtml


Comments with /*COMMENT HERE*/ are not allowed in config.json


"autoRefreshInterval": 50000

This parameter is used to determine the auto-refresh interval for the tasks and instance lists. It will reload the list every 5 minutes in case multiple users are working on the same instances and if one task or instance is completed by another user. The minimum value for the auto-refresh is 30 seconds.

Value is in milliseconds.

"filterDateFields": ["FormIndex1","FormIndex2"]

This parameter is used to activate a datepicker filter on instances and task lists for specific index fields.

"showHome": true

This parameter determines if the home icon on the left-hand side of the screen should be disabled. The default value is true. If it is set to false, it disables the home icon on the product and users cannot access it.


"features": { "documents": true, "notes": true, "efforts": true, "processModel": true, "cpm": true }

These parameters determine the features document, notes, efforts, process model for the tasks and CPM info for the instances should be disabled. If parameters are set to false, features will be disabled.



"tasks": { "showAdhoc": true, "showQuery": true }

These parameters determines if buttons for adhoc task and query should be disabled. If parameters are set to false, buttons will be disabled.


"loginPage": { "tenants": [ {"label": "PME-Mandant", "value": "pme"}, {"label": "Test-Mandant", "value": "test"} ], "additionalHtml": "\n\t\t\t<div><b>Service-Nummern</b></div>\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t<div>\n\t\t\t\tHurz, ABC\t\n\t\t\t</div>" } }

These parameters allow displaying tenants information with a drop box to choose the tenant while logging in.

Additional information can be written with additionalHtml parameter.


preCacheformData is a performance optimization for the Form Designer. It allows to pre-load the CSV information, so waiting time can be reduced.

  • The parameter allUsers creates a cache for all users.

  • The parameter allGroups creates a cache for all groups.

  • The parameter csvPreloading creates a cache for CSV data if it is a complete CSV file.


This parameter allows recursive count of all the documents that are on one instance.


enableLogging will enable the TSD pipeline logging if it is set to true, meaning in the output console of your web browser it will log out certain information on the form.

clearCosoleBeforeLog clears the console of the web browser before logging out for any logs related to TSD.


Full document for config.json: