

The timer CreateUsersFromLdapGroup gets all members from an LDAP group and places them into the system. It also assigns the given rights to the users found.

Webservice Name


Webservice Method






Valid examples



Valid examples

DN-path from the LDAP

The DN-path specifies where the timer should search.

  • CN=SYSTEM-Prozessmanager,OU=LDAP-Wiki,DC=system,DC=local

Rights in System

Here, the rights can be given that the timer automatically assigns to the given group. If more than one rights are given per group, they must be separated with a comma(“,”). 

The following values are possible:

  • administrator

  • workflow-designer

  • starter

  • member

  • processmanager

The right “member” should always be specified!


Limit of users

With the limit, the maximum number of users can be given that the timer retrieves and generates during a single pass. Can be useful with large numbers of users when the LDAP connection is slow and a timeout occurs.

  • 0

  • 100

The offset for the user

If the group is too large to synchronize all users in a single pass, the user can specify from which user number the sync should be started.

  • 0

  • 500



retrieves 100 User from the DN and gives these users processmanager and member rights



retrieves 500 User and gives these users processmanager, member und admin rights