This timer allows you to delete expired process instances.
It is used with the following Configuration Properties / | Timer Settings:
The timer cannot archive instances which are younger than this date, regardless of what your expirationTime parameter is.
This boolean property gives the possibility to delete instances via timer without checking the archive or end state. Take care if you really want to change this.
As this timer deletes many rows in many database tables it is frequently happening that database locks are created and thus the instances cannot be deleted. Therefore it is necessary to run the timer during non working hours on productive systems (preferably in the night).
Webservice Name
Webservice Method
Parameter | Description | Valid examples |
| This parameter is used to set the process instance definition to be deleted. Wildcards can be used with *. |
| This parameter is used to set the expiration time of the process instances to be deleted. |
| This parameter is used to set the limit of the process instances to be deleted. |
| This parameter is used to define the amount of instances that are deleted in a single transaction. |
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