- 1 Adonis Onboarding Example
- 2 Login into Adonis
- 3 Create a new business process diagram
- 4 Create and edit a process modell
- 5 Defining and editing automation attributes
- 6 Deployment to the system
Adonis Onboarding Example
This chapter will give an introduction to modeling with Adonis by using an onboarding example.
Login into Adonis
Login to Adonis in order to create the first process model that can be published to the system.
After login into Adonis, the following screen will appear:
Create a new business process diagram
A new diagram can be created by clicking on the icon 'Create Business Process Diagram' in the modul 'Design & Document'.
A new diagram will open. Enter a diagram name.
Create and edit a process modell
The following example is meant to show the different possibilities to model and design processes in Adonis in combination with the system. The scenario is a so-called “onboarding procedure” for a new employee, which is a process known to any company.
The following chapters explain the basic functions for working with process models.
Model a pool and swimlanes
At first, all involved departments and/or company parts should be defined in the process model. This will be managed by so-called pools and swimlanes, also simply called lanes. A pool is the process definition name and the single lanes represent process participants, e.g. departments in the company.
For modelling a pool select the pool element in the shape library. Via click into the modeling area the pool is created in the process model. Rename the Pool into 'Onboarding'.
The same approach is done to model the swimlanes. In order to rename the swimlanes, the desired element has to be selected and then clicked. Now it is possible to individualize the label. In this case the pool stands for a superior company and the lanes stand for departments in this company. On the one hand there is the Human Resources Department (“HR”) and on the other hand, there is the IT department (“IT”).
Model a start event
In this example, HR employees should be allowed to start a new Onboarding process. The process start is represented by a start event.
For modelling a start event select the start icon in the shape library. Via click into the modeling area the start event is created in the process model and can immediately be renamed.
Model an activity
After the start event the task “create a personal file” should be processed.
Via the fast modeling feature of Adonis this can be done. Select the start event and a symbol preview will be displayed. Select the task symbol. Via drag and drop, the task can be placed in the desired position in the process model.
The labeling can be done immediately.
Model an AND Gateway
With an “AND” gateway it is possible to execute multiple steps of a process instance at the same time. The and/parallel gateway waits for all tasks inside the gateway to be finished before going on. In this example there are two tasks to be done at the same time; one for the HR and one for the IT department.
Select the three dots to the right of the activity and choose the symbol 'Non-exclusive Gateway'.
Now, two new activities can be placed into the HR and the IT lane. The HR department gets the task to “organize the desk”, meanwhile the IT department should take care of “creating a network account”.
A forking AND gateway has to be closed at the end, so that the process is able to go on with the next tasks. Therefore a new AND gateway have to be added to the diagram and placed at the point where the parallel part should end. For connection the activity 'create network account' and the AND-Gateway, click on the symbol 'Create relation' and click on the AND-Gateway.
The HR department now gets the task to “organize the desk”, meanwhile the IT department should take care of “creating a network account”.
Model a XOR Gateway/Exclusive Gateway
When running through an XOR/exclusive Gateway, not all outgoing transitions are followed, in contrast to the AND gateway. A decision on the further process flow must be made. Only the tasks on this path are to be completed. That decision is made by the user who finishes the last task before the process enters the XOR Gateway. This can be done by a pop-up, which shows all possible decisions.
In order to extend the process, a XOR Gateway has to be added after the AND Gateway.
To clarify what kind of decision has to be made, this XOR can immediately be labeled like all the other elements (e.g. “Hardware necessary?”).
It is necessary to label the transitions in order to clarify which way belongs to which decision. Edit the outgoing sequence flows via double click and enter 'Yes' or rather 'No' into the field 'Name' in the 'General information'.
If hardware is required, the IT department is also given the task of ordering it. Otherwise, the personal file can be archived immediately.
Model script or mail node
The last activity of the process model can be done automatically by the system without the need for user interaction. Therefore the type of the activity has to be changed.
For changing the type, highlight the activity symbol, click on the wrench icon and choose the activity type 'Script'. The procedure for modeling mail nodes is identical, only here is the activity type 'Send'.
Model an end event
The process flow is finished so far, but an end event has to be added in order to show where the process terminates.
Insert an end event after the last activity of the process.
Save a process model
Via the disk icon in the menu bar the process model can be saved.
Defining and editing automation attributes
A process needs different attributes in order to be able to run. These attributes can be created or edited by right-clicking on an element and choosing the properties. Different menu options are shown for the current element. The attributes that are most relevant to the system are under the “Execution” group. In the image we see the general attributes for a process, which can be found in the properties of the start event.
In general, in Adonis, the automation attributes on each symbol can be defined and edited by the symbol properties. Open the properties via by double-click on the affected symbol and select the menu option 'Automation data'.
Attributes at start event
At the start event all general process information will be defined.
Reference | Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
1 | Description | Description of the process, which will later be shown in the system (tooltip and process report). |
2 | Starter | Here a group or a user, who is allowed to start instances of a process definition, e.g. user(USER_NAME), group(GROUP_NAME) is entered. |
3 | Owner | Here a group or a user who “owns” the process in the system is entered, e.g. user(USER_NAME), group(GROUP_NAME) is entered. “Owner” means that this person is responsible for the process |
4 | Deployer | Here a group or a user who as workflow-designer is allowed to deploy the process in the system is entered, e.g. user(USER_NAME), group(GROUP_NAME) is entered. |
5 | Count Critical | Count Critical must be activated for calculating Critical Path Method (CPM) . |
6 | Form | Here the definition of the Create a form is entered. |
7 | Section Definition | Here the Section Handling of the form is entered. |
group(GROUP_NAME) : The tasks within this swimlane are only assigned to a group. As soon as one of the employees of the group completes the first task, this employee is assigned to the complete swimlane. Subsequent tasks no longer end up in the group, but directly with the editor.
user(USER_NAME): The swimlane and thus also the tasks are assigned to this user. WARNING: Notation is not recommended, because if the person changes, the process must also be adjusted and deployed.
Attributes at swimlanes
At the swimlane the responsible group / user for all activities in this lane will be defined.
Reference | Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
1 | Assignee | Here a group or a user who is responsible for working on the tasks is entered, e.g. user(USER_NAME), group(GROUP_NAME) is entered. |
Attributes at activities
General configuration options
Open the 'Automation data' of an activity of type 'Send' via double-click.
Reference | Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
1 | Duration | Here the duration in which the tasks of this activity must be completed can be entered. |
2 | Tasks | Basically every activity must have its own unique name. If no task is explicitly defined for the activity, the system generates a task with the name of the activity. With the aid of the automation properties menu one or more tasks may be added for an activity. |
3 | Script task | Here events can be entered. Events or ActionHandler are special functions that are executed as soon as a specific process step is reached or left. |
Add processing times to an activity
The processing time can be entered in each process activity. It specifies how long the employee may need for the tasks within an activity until they have to be finished.
Open the 'Automation data' of an activity via double-click. Enter a processing time for this activity into the field 'Duration' in the area 'Manual/User task'.
The format in which the duration has to be entered: HMM - like 830 = > 8 hours 30 Minutes.
Add tasks to an activity
No further parameterization is necessary, if the default behavior of tasks is needed. One task is generated per activity modelled in the process model. However, it is possible to use the activities as containers for tasks. In the process model only one activity is shown, but the system generates more than just one task. Their text may the differ from the activity. In this example, the activity 'Create a personal file' should consist of two tasks, 'Fill personal information' and 'Fill asset information'.
Click on the plus icon next to 'Tasks' in the area 'Manual/User task'. A new row will be added.
In the newly created row some fields must be inserted. Data can be entered into the corresponding cell by double-clicking.
Reference | Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
1 | TaskName | Name of the task. |
2 | Role Assignment | The role assignment of the activity can be overridden for this task. |
3 | Description | Further instructions for processing the task can be given here. This description will be displayed as soon as the task is generated by the system. |
4 | Links | Links can be added here, which are displayed to the user when editing the task. |
Add events to an activity
Events are special functions that can be executed as soon as a certain process step is reached or left. These events are called ActionHandler and the system supports a whole range of pre-made ones. The list of ActionHandlers can be viewed here: ActionHandler. Events can also be added to Script Nodes. A detailed description is given in paragraph 'Attributes at Script nodes'.
Attributes at Mail nodes
The Mail node is a simple function to send standard emails in the system. These can be emails to external individuals and groups, as well es notifications to process participants and decision-makers. These emails can contain process information or prompt specific user to complete a task in the system. In Order to at attribute to the mail node left click on the mail node to open the automation properties.
Open the 'Automation data' of an activity of type 'Send' via double-click. Enter the recipients, the subject and the content of the email.
Reference | Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
1 | To | The recipients can be defined here. On the one hand, groups and user definitions (group (NAME_DER_GRUPPE) / user (NAME_DES_USERS)) can be used again. The email can also be sent to the current processor of the Swimlane "HR". In addition, fixed e-mail addresses or distribution lists can also be used here (e.g. |
2 | Subject | The subject of the email can be freely assigned. In this example, a variable is also referenced (the name of the process run). These variables can be used in the subject or in the text and are always masked with a $ {…}. As soon as the email is sent, the variable placeholders are replaced by their actual value. Further information on the variables can be found on this page: System Variables |
3 | Body | The email text can be designed in any way. Variables can also be used. The sending of HTML email and other settings are explained on this page: Mail Nodes |
Attributes at Script nodes
ActionHandlers or events are special functions that are executed as soon as a certain process step is reached or exited. There are a number of pre-made ActionHandlers. New ActionHandlers are often created for special functionalities in projects. The maintenance of ActionHandlers in the process is always the same. In this section, two events are maintained as examples.
As an example, a process run should be renamed automatically. A unique consecutive number should be generated and used. Two ActionHandlers are required:
YearIdGenerator: Generates the consecutive numbers and saves them in a process variable
RenameInstanceHandler: Uses the sequential number/process variable and builds this into the new name of the instance
The following figure illustrates this process:
This logic is now built into the process. First, you have to decide on which process step such an event should be carried out. For this example, of course, it only makes sense to rename it at the very beginning. For this, we use the first activity "Fill Information" and set up the ActionHandlers on "Node-Enter". This means that the name of the instance is displayed correctly from the very first task.
1.First, the activity must be selected and the automation properties opened. The first thing to add in the popup is a new event (see figure).
2.Necessary ActionHandlers can be parameterized in the new row. The basic settings for an event can always be found on the associated documentation page (RenameInstanceHandler).
Reference | Attribute Name | Attribute Description |
1 | EventType | Specifies whether the ActionHandler should be executed when the activity is reached (input node) or when it exits (output node). |
2 | ActionName | Can be chosen freely. Serves for a better overview of the list of events. |
3 | ActionClass | Defines which ActionHandler is to be executed. It can be copied from the wiki page. |
4 | Parameters | Depending on the ActionHandler, "Parameters" must be passed. The description can be found on the wiki page. In this context, the parameter 'mandatoryFields' and a freely chosen variable name has to be entered. |
3. You can add one or more actionhandlers according to your processes.
Please consider that the order is important when ActionHandlers build on each other.
Attributes at XOR Gateways
In order for the system to be able to clearly assign which of the two paths to be taken, it is necessary to maintain attributes at XOR Gateways. This parametrization is only possible in conjunction with a form. If no ActionHandler is assigned to this Gateway, the system automatically creates a popup so that the decision can be made:
If ActionHandler will be assigned to this Gateway, following steps should be taken:
Open the 'Automation data' of the XOR Gateway via double-click. Enter a decision handler, like
into the field 'HandlerClass' and add the variable name that contains the value of the decision.Additionally, parameterization is required at the outgoing sequence flows. Each sequence flow must be given the value that the variable (doc_hardwareNecessary) assumes when making a decision. Open the 'Automation data' of a sequence flow via double-click and insert the value of the variable into the field 'ID'. This must be done for each outgoing sequence flow.
Deployment to the system
The publishing (deployment) of the process to the system can be realized by choosing the option 'Deploy process' from 'Automate' in the menu. For this, the user needs the role of workflow-designer in the the system to be able to publish the model.
Automatically, Adonis starts the deployment check. If there are any errors, a messages appears and the validation area will be opened. Here, all errors will be listed.
Select a Server, enter a username and password for publishing the new model.
After successful deployment, Adonis provides a short success message and the new process is available in the system.
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