


This ActionHandler writes notes from a main process into a sub process, which were created before the subprocess was started, into the the subprocess.

This ActionHandler is set up in the subprocess. If notes from the main process should be available at process start of the subprocess, the ActionHandler should be set up in the first process task with the event type ‘Node-Enter’.

If notes should be transferred at the end of a subprocess to the main process, the ActionHandler should be set up on the last task in the subprocess with the parameter upward=trueand the event type 'Node-Leave'.





Default value


Valid examples


Default value


Valid examples



Specifies whether the attached notes should be fetched from the main process (false) or returned to the main process (true).




A main process and subprocess are required to use this ActionHandler. In the main process, the subprocess is called via the hidden suboprocess shape with the name ‘Subprocess Testing for notes’.

The ActionHandler is implemented on the task ‘Subprocess for InheritedAttachedBlogHandler’ in the subprocess with the event-type ‘Node-Enter’.

It is important that the sub-process must always be deployed before the main process, so that the system can establish the relationship between the two processes.

If you make changes to the sub-process, the main process must also be deployed again so that the current version of the sub-process is used by the system.


Then a new process of the main process can be started. After process instance start notes can be created in the notes tab of the instance or in the first task.


Here a note was created on process instance view of the currently started main process.


After the "First Task" is completed in the main process, the subprocess is started and the note from the main process is available in the subprocess.

The note, which was added in the main process is also available in the subprocess:






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