Editing other configuration mails on Task and Group

Editing other configuration mails on Task and Group

Notification Mails

The notification mails about completed tasks can be customized using the following properties

Change the text after the equal sign according to your needs.


notification-assignee-mail-subject-en=Your task ${SYS.TASK_NAME} has been completed notification-assignee-mail-text-en=Your task ${SYS.TASK_NAME} in the process ${SYS.PROCESSINSTANCE_NAME} has been done by ${SYS.RECIPIENT_FIRTNAME} ${SYS.RECIPIENT_LASTNAME}.\n\nIhr TIM-System

After uploading tim.properties inside the resources folder using the adequate privileges. Then when you assign task to the actor/group and complete the task.

Screenshot 2024-09-26 173110.png

The email with the configured subject and text is displayed successfully:

Screenshot 2024-09-26 173227.png


Under this point, the notification mails about archived instances can be customized.

archivation-mail-subject=Instance ${SYS.PROCESSINSTANCE_NAME} has been canceled archivation-mail-text=The instance ${SYS.PROCESSINSTANCE_NAME} has been manually archived and canceled.\n\nEvery existing tasks have been removed from your to-do list.

After uploading tim.properties inside the resources folder using the adequate privileges. Then when you assign task to the actor/group and then archive the instance.

The email with the configured subject and text is displayed successfully:

Reactivation (Unarchivation)

Under this point, the notification mails about reactivated instances can be customized.

unarchivation-mail-subject=Instance ${SYS.PROCESSINSTANCE_NAME} has been restored unarchivation-mail-text=The instance ${SYS.PROCESSINSTANCE_NAME} has been manually restored.\n\nEvery existing tasks have been added to your task list\u00FCgt.

After uploading tim.properties inside the resources folder using the adequate privileges, you assign tasks to the actor/group and then archive the instance. After archiving, you have to unarchive the instance for the email to be delivered.

The email with the configured subject and text is displayed successfully:

(De)activating taskmails

To deactivate task mails for individual users, the options ex. “Send e-mail if new task was assigned”,”Notify me only if previous task was done by me” can be switched on or off in the user profile. This setting also exists system-wide in the client profile