Update Guide
Valid for Unix and Windows Systems
Get the desired TIM Version from BPM Releases | Delivery. When in doubt which version to pick as your Professional Service, contact for advice.
These steps should be done in chronicle order:
Stop TIM Service
Backup all files from wildlfy\standalone\deployments
Copy .ear and .war files from new TIM Version into deployments folder
Check Serverconfig folder for updates on your wildfly modules
Was the previous TIM .ear Version unpacked, check this for custom .jars under tim.ear\lib\ and copy them into the new TIM Version. In addition, some older systems have custom files under tim.ear\loom-portal.war\custom\ . All files from the costum folder should be copied to the new TIM Version except for the super folder.
Should the tim.ear file be exploded, an additional file named tim.ear.dodeploy needs to be added to the deployment's folder e.g. for tim_8.0.7.1.ear it should be named tim_8.0.7.1.ear.dodeploy
Start the TIM Service and wait for the deployment to finish before trying to log into the new TIM Version
Best practice
we recommend backups of the tim database and deployments folder, as well as any wildlfy modules that will be updated/changed.
Check Release Notes - Documentation EN - TIM BPM Documentation for possible dependencies regarding the desired version such as supported database, java or wildfly versions.
on some Windows systems, the TIM Service sometimes fails to shut down. In order to proceed with the update, kill the JVM process via the task manager.
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