Installation Guide
This short guide shall enable you to install TIM v8 on Windows or Linux OS.
JBOSS = WildFly
Preconditions for Windows or UNIX
Database access preferably db_owner on either MySQL 8, SQL Server 2019 / 2022, or Oracle 19c according to our latest requirements in the release notes → Release Notes - Documentation EN - TIM BPM Documentation (
Get additional tools if possible:
keystore explorer KeyStore Explorer (
7z 7-Zip for Windows
MSSQL Management Studio or MySQL Workbench
open Ports for incoming connections, such as 443/8443
Windows OS
Quick guide for Windows installation with WildFly29 & TIM v8
TIM BPM Releases, please choose any TIM Version 8 for this guide
Latest JDK 17 from Latest Releases | Adoptium or Downloads for Amazon Corretto 17 - Amazon Corretto 17 | a headless jdk can cause issues with the license module.
Install JDK and set JAVA_HOME for the system. Can be checked via system environmental variables.
On Disk create folder tim e.g. C:\tim
Unzip wildfly as per request to C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION] and rename the folder to wildfly-[VERSION]-dev, -stage or -prod according to purpose.
Copy & replace the content of wildfly-[VERSION] into WildFly Home e.g. C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION]-dev
Copy the folder “service” from C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION]-\docs\contrib\scripts to C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final-\bin. Edit with notepad++ C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION]-dev\bin\service\service.bat and change SHORTNAME and DISPLAYNAME to e.g. TIM[VERSION]DEV / Timprod-WildFly[VERSION]
CONTROLLER=localhost:9990 in service.bat needs to match in standalone-tim.xml
important if multiple app server are installed on one host machine
Copy from
into the \bin folder when having trouble with shut-down of service
Open C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final\standalone\configuration\ and add
Run the following keytool command in your windows cmd to create a jwt.keystore and add the key
keytool -genkey -alias jwt.key -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final\standalone\configuration\jwt.keystore -storepass changeit -validity 900 -keypass changeit
Iterate through the questions
Open C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final-dev\bin\standalone.conf.bat to check for XMS and write rem before all lines from 96 to 104 regarding port offset and the DB connection string. c.f.:
set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms2G -Xmx2G -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m" rem TIM Solutions GmbH Configuration part rem Feel free to edit this configuration below! rem set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=0" rem set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.http.port=8080" rem set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.JDBC_CONNECTION=jdbc:sqlserver://database.fqdn:1433;database=tim;encrypt=true;loginTimeout=30;" rem set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.JDBC_DRIVER=sqlserver" rem set 'JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.CHECK_ALIVE_QUERY="SELECT 1 FROM TIM_DUAL"' rem set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.DBUSER=tim" rem set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.DBPASSWORD=t1m"
Open under C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final-dev\standalone\configuration\standalone-tim.xml to configure the data source. e.g. connection URL
Open under C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final-dev\standalone\configuration\ to set default client and add initpass for custom passwords (after the initial init of the system credentials can be encrypted via admin panel). Comment out # to not use the default passwords.
Encoding the passwords via the administration panel of secrets is possible after the initialization of the application.
Copy tim.ear and dashboard.war from into C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final-dev\standalone\deployments
Open cmd as admin and install the service.
Open Windows Services and navigate to e.g. TIM[VERSION]DEV. Set Startup type to Automatic.
Start TIM Service and check server.log C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final-dev\standalone\log for any issues to resolve. Popular issues: closed ports, the network connection to the database, missing permissions, or antivirus tool intervention.
Open to initialize the database. (InitDB)
Open Eclipse for license generation, ID Token, Multi or Single Node, Validity in month, Customer Name, values have to be provided from Ticket except ID and Node copy and paste license into customer page. Customers can order a license under
Open to install the license as super/admin.
Log into super tenant http://localhost:8080/tim/client/ to create a customer tenant. Tenant Creation - Documentation EN - TIM BPM Documentation (
Replace unencrypted Passwords with encrypted ones in C:\tim\wildfly-[VERSION].Final-dev\standalone\configuration\
For further configuration e.g SMTP, LDAP Auth & Sync or SSO with SAML please check the links under Additional Configuration.
TIM BPM Releases, please choose any TIM Version 8 for this guide
Latest JDK 17 from Latest Releases | Adoptium or Downloads for Amazon Corretto 17 - Amazon Corretto 17 | a headless jdk can cause issues with the license module.
Similar to the Windows installation, create a folder tim under e.g /usr/local/
Create a user and group, e.g. tim that owns folder tim
Copy WildFly and WildFly JWT Delta into tim folder
Copy docs/contrib/scripts/systemd/ to bin\
Copy docs/contrib/scripts/systemd/wildfly.conf to /etc/default/
Copy docs/contrib/scripts/systemd/wildfly.service to /etc/systemd/system/
Open bin/standalone.conf to disable.
Open standalone/configuration/standalone-tim.xml to set datasources to the desired database.
Check socket-binding for correct port offset
Open /usr/local/tim/wildfly-[VERSION].Final/standalone/configuration/ and add
Run the following keytool command to create a jwt.keystore and add the key
Iterate through the questions
Open under /usr/local/tim/wildfly-[VERSION].Final/standalone/configuration/ to set default client and add initpass for custom passwords (after the initial init of the system credentials can be encrypted via admin panel). Comment out # to not make use of the default passwords.
Encoding via the administration panel of secrets is possible after the initialization of the application.
Copy tim.ear and dashboard.war from into /usr/local/tim/wildfly-[VERSION].Final/standalone/deployments
Set WILDFLY_CONFIG=standalone-tim.xml in /etc/default/wildfly.conf
Set below parameters for /etc/systemd/system/wildfly.service
Enable service with systemctl enable wildfly.service & systemctl daemon-reload
Run systemctl start wildfly.service and check server.log /usr/local/tim/wildfly-[VERSION].Final/standalone/log for any issues to resolve. Popular issues: closed ports, the network connection to the database, missing permissions, or antivirus tool intervention.
Open to initialize the database. (InitDB)
Open Eclipse for license generation, ID Token, Multi or Single Node, Validity in month, Customer Name, values have to be provided from Ticket except ID and Node copy and paste license into customer page. Customers can order a license under
Open to install the license as super/admin.
Log into super tenant http://localhost:8080/tim/client/ to create a customer tenant. Tenant Creation - Documentation EN - TIM BPM Documentation (
Replace unencrypted Passwords with encrypted ones in /usr/local/tim/wildfly-[VERSION].Final/standalone/configuration/
For further configuration - e.g SMTP, LDAP Auth & Sync or SSO with SAML - please check the links below.
Additional Configuration
Configuration Properties /
Module Requirements | Mailserver
Module Requirements | SAML 2.0
Module Requirements | LDAP
Azure SaaS Considerations
Azure Application Gateway
App Gateway Listener
Check Firewall Port
Log into the customer tenant to configure SMTP settings or create customer accounts as per ticket.
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