

General overview

The intuitive user interface is characterized by a clear design. The following section explains the general layout of the system.

  • Breadcrumb
    The navigation bar supports users during their daily work with the system. See the Breadcrumb topic for more information.

  • Side-Menu
    The side menu is for navigation between the cockpit, tasks, and process instances. Specific users have the administrator role. These users can also access and change settings like translations or logo and theme of the system. See the Side-Menu topic for more information.

  • Menu bar
    The menu bar contains a search function, the user language, and profile settings. See the Menu bar topic for more information.

  • Content area
    This area is the work interface. Depending on the selected menu, users can handle their activities and processes, view the dashboard, access system settings, and the user profile.


The navigation bar is making users aware of their current location within the hierarchical structure in the system. Instead of using the browser's 'Back' button or the system's Side-Menu to return to a higher-level, users can use the breadcrumb.


The side-menu includes the components Cockpit, Automate, Dashboard Guide and System, which are described in detail below.


It contains the Cockpit, which presents a graphical overview of company-specific statistical evaluations and KPIs.


The automation component provides everything required in the users' daily work with the system. Depending on the selected automation menu, users can start new processes, handle their tasks, and find an overview of their already started process instances. Find more information about how users can do their everyday business in the chapter User Guide. The general navigation is described below.


The button 'Dashboard' is exclusively available for users with the roles 'dashboard-user', 'dashboard-manager' and/or 'dashboard-admin'. The dashboard enables the user to evaluate all data about the processes of the tenant. By clicking on this button, the user automatically gets redirected and logged into the dashboard which opens in another tab. For more information please consult the Dashboard Guide .


The button 'System' is exclusively available for users with the role 'administrator', 'resource-manager' and/or 'rulesadministrator'. This area provides options to configure the interface of the system. In addition to the theme and top logo, furthermore, a range of the system labels/buttons/messages can be customized. For all possible system options please consult the Administration Guide .


The 'rulesadministrator' can only see the Rules matrix option in the System tab. 

The Rules Matrix is used to evaluate business rules. Different matrices with custom columns can be produced. Then, the matrix rows are populated. These rows can be evaluated using the MatrixHandler . The row with the highest hit rate is used as the result row (it doesn't have to be a complete match).


The 'resource-manager' can only see the Resources option in the system tab.

The Resources tab is the central repository for configuration of the tenant as well as steering and accompanying of process with e.g. customized JavaScript, CSS or templates for reports.


The 'administrator' has access to all possible options which are explained in detail in the Administration Guide.

All changes take effect for all users of this tenant.

Menu bar

The menu bar contains a free text search, the language and user profile settings, the current tenant as well as the logout button for disconnecting from the system. Refer to the following sections to learn more about these features. 

Free text search

By inserting texts/numbers, users can easily search for content within processes. Relevant data could be the definition name, the instance name, and process variables.

  1. Insert texts/numbers into the free text search field. Using a wildcard (*) at the end of the term is possible, but may be configured differently on your system.

  2. Start the search by clicking on the magnifying glass symbol on the right.

  3. Fitting results will be displayed in the content area. 

User language settings

The user interface can be multiple different languages. Newly created users will always start with the default language, which is set by administrators in the administration client. In the upper right corner, the user sees the currently selected language.

  1. For changing the language just click the language name and select one of the listed ones. The language of the interface changes immediately. When the user logs into the system again, the last selected language is still set. If a specific language is not available, please ask the contact person. 

Tenant selection

Every installation supports multiple tenants. With these tenants, a company can support multiple areas that may contain separate companies/projects/processes in each tenant. Besides the tenant icon the user can see in which tenant the user is currently working. If a user is a member of more than one tenant, the user can switch from one to another by selecting a tenant in the menu of the tenant button. 

User profile settings

The profile settings contain all user information. Users can modify their personal data, change their password, and document their absences inclusive absence rules. The following sections will explain each setting in detail.

Change Profile

This tab shows the general properties and the status of a user within the user's company. Please find a complete description of the tab's content in the table at the end of this section. 

  1. All editable fields can be changed. The others are locked. 

  2. Click on the button 'Update profile' on the lower right of this tab for saving changes.

  3. If the update is successful, a brief 'Success' message will confirm the storage. In this context, please also regard the note 'LDAP Sync'.

User-Profil - LDAP Sync

If the system uses LDAP Sync, all changes are lost as soon as the scheduled job has run the next time. Please ask the contact person first, whether LDAP Sync is used or not.


The following table provides a detailed description of the fields in the profile tab. 

Field name


Field name



This is the name used for the formal login procedure. Only users with the administration role are allowed to change the name.


The user's first name is documented here.


The user's last name is documented here.


The user's email address at which the user will receive messages from the system, for example about the assignment of a new task.

Phone number

A telephone number can be inserted. 


The working country of the user can be inserted here.


The user's company can be found here.

Personnel number

The user's personnel number within the company.


The group membership of a user is depicted here. 


The Roles and rights of a user are depicted here. 


The supervisor of the user is selected in this field. Via the dropdown menu, any existing user in the system can be selected.

Cost center

The user's cost center can be documented here.


The user's department can be found here.

Department chief

The name of the head of the department can be selected in this field. Via the dropdown menu, any existing user in the system can be selected. 

Target tab for taskmail links

A link provided in a task email redirects the user after clicking directly to the target tab, which is selected here. Per default, the task email link redirects the user to the property tab of a task. 

Send email if new task was assigned

If this option is selected, the user will receive an email, for example, that a new task is available. 

Notify me only if the previous task was not done by me

The user will only receive an email if the previous task will be completed by another user. 

Notify me if my task was done by somebody else

If a assigned task is not completed by the user, the user will receive an email.

Ignore LDAP authentication

If a LDAP authentication has been configurated, an user can decide wether he wants to ignore his company password and use his personally selected password instead. See here how to change your password

Display table rows

The number of table rows shown per page can be selected here, e.g. the task list.


Here the user language can be changed. 15 different languages are supported.

Lists layout

The user can select how he wants lists in the system to be displayed.

DNS prefix

If a DNS prefix for the network is specified, it will be displayed in this field. In most cases, this parameter can stay empty.

DNS suffix

If a DNS server exists in the network, the DNS suffix is displayed here.

Change Password

In this tab, the user can change the password.

  1. Enter the new password into the first field.

  2. Confirm the new password in the second field.

  3. Press the button 'Change password' for saving the new password. In this context, please also regard the note 'User-Password - LDAP Sync'

Info: User-Password - LDAP Sync

If the system uses LDAP Authentification the changed password will be reset as soon as the scheduled job has run the next time. Please ask the contact person first, whether LDAP Sync is used or not.

Record absences and absence rules

If a user is not able to handle the assigned tasks due to being absent from the company, this should be documented in the 'Absence' section. The 'Absence' should record all periods of time when a user is unavailable. It also regulates whether existing tasks should be transferred to the representative during the absence or not. New tasks will automatically be assigned to the representative. How to add, change and delete an absence period is described in the chapter 'Manage absences'.

If tasks have to be transferred to another user due to an absence, either one representative has to be chosen in the section 'Manage general substitute' (valid for all processes), or a designated representative for specific processes (has priority over the user profile representative) has to be selected in the section 'Manage absence rules'.  

Manage absences

Add absence

  1. Click on the button 'New absence'.

  2. For entering the user's absence period two dates - absent from and return on  - are essential. Both dates can be entered by selecting them from the calendar, which appears by clicking into the corresponding date field.

  3. The transferal of current open tasks to a designated substitute can be selected by checking the corresponding box.

  4. Click on the button 'Save' and the new absence period is stored and will be displayed in the 'Absence' section.  


Change and delete absence

It is also possible to edit and delete already recorded periods. Therefore, click on the three dots on the right side of the corresponding period, and select the menu option 'Edit' or 'Delete'. 

Manage general substitute

Add or change general substitute

  1. Select the representative who will perform the tasks of all processes where there is no specific substitute during the absence via the dropdown menu on the right side or via typing in the representative's name (during typing users with these letters in their name will be suggested for selection).

  2. Click on the button 'Save' and the general substitute is stored. 

Manage absence rules

Add absence rules

  1. Click on the button 'New absence rule'.

  2. Select the representative who will perform the tasks of a specific process during the absence via the dropdown menu on the right side or via typing in the representative's name (during typing users with these letters in their name will be suggested for selection).

  3. Select the corresponding process via the dropdown menu on the right side or via typing in the process name (during typing processes with these letters in their name will be suggested for selection).

  4. Click on the button 'Save' and the new absence rule is stored and will be displayed in the 'Absence' section. 


Change and delete absence rules

It is also possible to edit and delete already recorded absence rules. Therefore, click on the three dots on the right side of the corresponding rule, and select the menu option 'Edit' or 'Delete'. 


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