MSSQL Analyses related to processes
- 1 Process-Related
- 1.1 Instance-Related
- 1.1.1 Number of started instances per month
- 1.1.2 Average number of started instances per day per month (22 working days a month)
- 1.1.3 Number of started and completed instances for each definition
- 1.1.4 Number of started, completed, aborted and running instances for each process definition
- 1.1.5 Activities, tasks and assigned users of running instances
- 1.1.6 Average cycle time (in h) of all instances of all process definitions per month
- 1.1.7 Number of started instances per month (columns) per year (rows) for a definition
- 1.1.8 Cumulative number of started instances per month (columns) per year (rows) for a definition
- 1.1.9 Minimum, maximum and average cycle time (in h) of instances per process definition
- 1.2 Definitions-Related
- 1.1 Instance-Related
This article offers examples for instance and definition related analyses with the dashboard.
Number of started instances per month
concat(DATEPART(yy, inst.creationTime),'-', DATEPART(mm, inst.creationTime)) AS Month,
SUM(1) AS Count
FROM view_instance inst
GROUP BY concat(DATEPART(yy, inst.creationTime), '-', DATEPART(mm, inst.creationTime))
Average number of started instances per day per month (22 working days a month)
concat(DATEPART(yy, inst.creationTime),'-', DATEPART(mm, inst.creationTime)) AS Month,
ROUND(SUM(1)/22,1) AS "Average per day"
FROM view_instance inst
GROUP BY concat(DATEPART(yy, inst.creationTime), '-', DATEPART(mm, inst.creationTime))
Number of started and completed instances for each definition
inst1.definitionname AS Prozess,
COUNT(DISTINCT( AS 'Number of started instances',
COUNT(DISTINCT( AS 'Number of completed instances'
FROM view_instance inst1
LEFT JOIN view_instance inst2 ON AND inst2.instanceEnd IS NOT NULL
INNER JOIN view_activity act ON
GROUP BY inst1.definitionname;
Number of started, completed, aborted and running instances for each process definition
Activities, tasks and assigned users of running instances
Average cycle time (in h) of all instances of all process definitions per month
Number of started instances per month (columns) per year (rows) for a definition
Cumulative number of started instances per month (columns) per year (rows) for a definition
Minimum, maximum and average cycle time (in h) of instances per process definition
Number of loops (>0) per definition
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