This feature enables sending customizable email notifications for group and user tasks.
Emails are triggered based on user settings or tenant profile configurations.
This feature enhances the task notification system by providing flexible and customizable email notifications, ensuring that all stakeholders are informed and can access their tasks efficiently. The support for variables, HTML content, and deep links further improves the usability.
If true and the specific group has set an e-mail address: only one mail is sent to this group email address.
If false or the specific group has set no e-mail address: all group members get an email.
– PLEASE ADD SCREENSHOT of deplyoer group → tab properties with an email-address added..
Customizing task mail subject and text
But when assigning the ‘Account Setup’ task to the group the email with the text “Hello User” is sent
EN version
DE version
Including variables from forms
Use case: We want to extend the use case from above so that the mail subject will contain variables from the form. In this case, we want to add the first name of the new employee to the task mail subject of “Account setup”. This can be achieved by changing the tim.properties in row 1:
After uploading the new tim.properties
and reassigning the task, the email with the subject 'Hello Arlinda' is sent successfully.
Use case: Different text on two level using two mail text properties. Let us define in tim.properties
two properties. In activity level it is configured to receive text the HTML content. as soon as the task is assigned.