Reference | Attribute | Description | ||||||
| Import mode | The import mode distinguishes between three modes: 'Only add', Default (Merge), Delete users. | ||||||
| Encoding | Via a drop-down three encoding options are available: UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 and Windows-1251. | ||||||
| Choose | Clicking 'Choose' will open the file explorer in order to pick the desired file for import. The select option 'Check for duplicates' is activated per default. If checked 'Notify users by e-mail about changes' will inform affected users. Once a file for import is selected the 'Test' button will become available. | ||||||
| Test | Clicking the 'Test' button will check the user import file for error and will prompt a notification be low. | ||||||
| Upload | The 'Upload' button will import the users from the files and add them to the system. | ||||||
| Notification | The Notification informs the administrator about possible issues with the user import. |