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The following paragraphs explain how to create a smartform form step by step. 


Create a form

For creating a smartform form an opening <form> and a closing </form> - tag are required. These two tags mark the start and the end of the smartformform. The content to be displayed is located between these two tags.


Radio Buttons are selection boxes that are always grouped together. Only one choice can be made from this group. For this, the type 'radio' is assigned to the “in-itself-closing” <input> - element. To consolidate multiple radio buttons to one group, the same 'name'-attribute must be assigned to it. If a radiobutton is already checked when opening the smartformform, the attribute 'checked=“checked' must be assigned to it. PLEASE NOTE! This attribute can only have one radio button for each radio button group. For all <input> - elements the process variables are set on 'id', only for radio buttons the process variable is set on the 'name' attribute. 


The Javascript library JQuery, which is automatically integrated into every smartformform, opens now by clicking a field a calendar from which a date can be selected, which is then transferred in the input field.


Index fields are used for displaying information from a smartformform, such as tasks, instances and so on, directly in a list. They can be filtered and sorted. See also Filter, sorting and column configuration.

So that a index field indicates a value, it must be defined in the smartformform. “Input” and “Select” fields can be selected as index fields. To display a value from the smartform form in the columns, the attribute index=„fieldX“ must be added to the respective field in the smartformform. Where “X” is the value of the index fields, so 1 to 10.


Now the value is displayed in the index field number 2, which was entered in the smartform form in the textfield “name”.


Date in index fields:

If a date was saved in a process variable as a string 10.02.2015, it can only be sorted alphabetically (0-9 for each digit). But if the date is saved in the format 2015-02-10T0:0:0, a correct sorting for the date can be achieved. The system's datepicker automatically saves the dates in this format (simply add class="datepicker" in the input element). The clients display the clean date format 10.02.2015 (depends on language/culture settings in the browser) instead of 2015-02-10T0:0:0. See: Valid Date-Time Formats
