A process consists of a range of activities, which are executed in a specific order. A process only continues once an activity has been completed. An activity consists of one or more tasks that must all be completed before the activity can be considered as completed. An activity can contain multiple tasks and is activated as soon as the process flow reaches the activity. All activities are displayed in a list as soon as an instance is selected.
A task is the subunit of an activity. Each activity is made up of one or more tasks. An activity is completed only when all of its assigned tasks have been completed. A task is a concrete work step that must be executed by an employee before the next process step can be started. The task assignment determines who is assigned to the task.
A group consists of a combination of several individual users. For example, a group can be comprised of one or several divisions within a single company. Groups are necessary if tasks cannot be assigned to one single individual, but rather have to be split between different users in order to be completed within a certain time limit.
Swim lanesSwimlanes
A company can be divided into several smaller departments. These departments are reflected in the process modelling as "Swim lanesSwimlanes". These swim lanes can be assigned to a specific user or a group as an editor.
The status of the radio buttons, checkboxes and select boxes is also saved and restored when opened again.
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